subota, 24. prosinca 2011.
petak, 11. studenoga 2011.
četvrtak, 10. studenoga 2011.
My Moleskine Art Journal is finished...go back for a crafts (for day or two :))
ispunila sam svoj prvi Moleskine crtežima i skicama...ostaje samo još srediti korice... trenutak sam se vratila u stare "čestitarske" i scrapbooking dane i napravila nekoliko omota za dvd-je koje sam dala prijateljicama...zabavno, ali nekako sam se ipak udaljila od tih stvari... ću se opet vratiti mixed media stvaranju :)
Pratim besplatne LIVE CLASS koje ima Amy a sutra, u petak 11.11.2011., će joj se pridružiti i Manon (i crtati 2 ženska lika copic markerima i mekim pastelom) :
My first Moleskine Art Journal is finished...only cover wait for, I go one step backward, in my "making cards and scrapbook" days...for day or two :) and - it was fun, but to me it is no longer enough...So... I intend to look free art live classes with Amy and tomoroww (at 9pm this Friday 11th November UK time) with Manon (she will create two girls one with copic/promarkers and another one with soft pastels) :)
srijeda, 2. studenoga 2011.
free mixed media workshops
Otkrila sam nekoliko jako dobrih i besplatnih "učionica".
Go to the free mixed media workshops:
Lafiorevida/Brenda Figueroa - JOURNALING EXPERIENCE or
Connie Hozvicka - Total alignment
Julie Prichard - Mini workshop
On the willowing.ning, besides the known and awesome ART,HEART&HEALING Tamare Laporte, you can find Whimsical Workspaces with Rhomany and Guadalupe's The mandala
Go to the free mixed media workshops:
Lafiorevida/Brenda Figueroa - JOURNALING EXPERIENCE or
Connie Hozvicka - Total alignment
Julie Prichard - Mini workshop
On the willowing.ning, besides the known and awesome ART,HEART&HEALING Tamare Laporte, you can find Whimsical Workspaces with Rhomany and Guadalupe's The mandala
utorak, 18. listopada 2011.
Ja sam na kreativnom putovanju....I am on my art journey
Ok, već dugo nema novih postova na blogu (mhm, kao da sam ikada bila uzoran bloger...:))...i ne znam hoće li ubuduće biti bolje...nije to stoga što se ničim ne bavim...dapače...vrijedno gledam, slušam, učim, kao da sam ponovo krenula na fakultet...:)
Zahvaljujući online razredima i blogovima učim sat za satom od Tamare Laporte, Suzi Blu, Julie Prichard i Chris Cozen, Marthe Lever, Pam Carriker, Zorane, Christy Tomlinson, Marry Ann Moss, Dawn Meisch, Monice Zunige, Mystele, Jane Davenport, Wyanne, Adriane Almanza, Juliette Crane, NatasheMay, Sonje i mnogih drugih divnih umjetnica (sve žene??)....isprobavam razne tehnike i materijale, boje i uzorke...oponašam svoje učiteljice radi vježbe i tražim svoj put do originalnosti...sad mi je jasno zašto govore da je to „umjetničko putovanje“, proces koji traje...i traži vrijeme i napor i ulaganja (postala sam ovisnik o „art supplies“ i online workshops...), ali toliko daje...ispunjava srce i dušu...
Dakle, nema me na blogu...jer sam na svom kreativnom putovanju..."putujem" (virtualnim svijetom) na satove od Amerike, do Meksika, pa u Kanadu, Njemačku, Sloveniju i Australiju...gdje žive i rade moje online profesorice umjetnosti:)
Ok, for a long time no new blog posts on Creativecraftsandart (mhm, as if I've ever been serious blogger...:))... and I do not know whether the future will be better ... it's not because i don’t do anything... indeed ... Every day I watching, listening, learning... as I went back to college ...:)
Thanks to online classes and blogs I learn all day from Tamara Laporte, Suzi Blu, Julie Prichard and Chris Cozen, Martha Lever, Pam Carriker, Zorana, Christy Tomlinson, Mary Ann Moss, Dawn Meisch, Monica Zuniga, Mystele, Jane Davenport, Wyanne, Adriana Almanza, Juliette Crane, NatashaMay, Sonja and many other wonderful artists (all women ??).... I test various techniques and materials, colors and patterns ... imitate my teachers work for practice and I am looking for originality ... now I understand why all say it is "artistic journey", a process that lasts ... and requires time and effort and investment (i became addicted to the art supplies and online workshops...), but gives so much... fills my heart and my soul ...
I am on my art journey...I fly (in virtual world of course) to America, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Slovenia and Australia...where my teachers painting and recording video for their art workshops :)
utorak, 20. rujna 2011.
petak, 9. rujna 2011.
petak, 19. kolovoza 2011.
Moleskine art journal
Toplo je i ne da mi se ni crtati ni fotkati ni stavljam samo par poluuspješnih snimaka novih stranica u mom Art journalu.
It's too hot for drawing, make photos or, I post only few pictures from my Moleskine....
It's too hot for drawing, make photos or, I post only few pictures from my Moleskine....
srijeda, 27. srpnja 2011.
Nove stranice u Art pages in my Moleskine Art journal
Popustile vrućine, pa je vrijeme idealno za učenje na internetskim umjetničkim radionicama i crtanje :)
No high temperature, so it is perfectly time for online art workshops and art journal :)
No high temperature, so it is perfectly time for online art workshops and art journal :)
četvrtak, 21. srpnja 2011.
The Big Massive Give Away on www. Woooooohoooo!
Moj prvi online tečaj i prozor u svijet art journalinga i mixed medije bila je besplatna radionica Art, Heart and Healing koju je vodila Tamara Laporte na Potom sam kupila njene Fabolous Faces i Magical Mythical Makings, a samo je pitanje vremena kad ću kupiti i ostale :)) Tamara je moja omiljena učiteljica :)) jako dobro podučava i još bolje slika...
Njezin ning sada ima 5000 članova (5000!!!!) i zato Tam nudi vrijedne nagrade....

My first online course and a window into the world of art journaling and mixed media was free workshops Art, Heart and Healing led by Tamara Laporte on I then bought other two workshops: Fabolous Faces and Magical Mythical makings, and i'll buy all - it's only a matter of time :)) Tamara is my favorite teacher :)) she is very well trained, and even better artist...
Her Ning now has 5000 members (5000 !!!!) and Tam offers valuable prizes .... Go to ning or to her blog and see
Njezin ning sada ima 5000 članova (5000!!!!) i zato Tam nudi vrijedne nagrade....

My first online course and a window into the world of art journaling and mixed media was free workshops Art, Heart and Healing led by Tamara Laporte on I then bought other two workshops: Fabolous Faces and Magical Mythical makings, and i'll buy all - it's only a matter of time :)) Tamara is my favorite teacher :)) she is very well trained, and even better artist...
Her Ning now has 5000 members (5000 !!!!) and Tam offers valuable prizes .... Go to ning or to her blog and see
utorak, 19. srpnja 2011.
Artful Gathering
Ljeto je vrijeme godišnjih odmora - prava prilika za čitanje i slikanje :) Iskoristila sam priliku i prijavila se na Artful Gathering - online festival umjetničkih radionica. Upisala sam dvije: Enchanted Bluebird Class Elizabeth Johnson i Visual Journalism 101 Pam Carriker.
Summer time - time for reading and painting :) And....for Artful Gathering 2011 Online Art Retreat
I am in 2 classes: Elizabeth Johnson's Enchanted Bluebird Class and Pam Carriker's Visual Journalism 101 .
I am in 2 classes: Elizabeth Johnson's Enchanted Bluebird Class and Pam Carriker's Visual Journalism 101 .
My homework for Enchanted Bluebird Class
četvrtak, 16. lipnja 2011.
Moj Moleskine je sve deblji...My Moleskine is fatter and fatter ...
Time flies ... (we never have enough time, except for things what we want) ... catch him ... (you're faster ).... Be the mistress of time!
srijeda, 8. lipnja 2011.
Nešto drugačije...something different
Oduvijek sam htjela okušati se u krasopisu i kaligrafiji, kupila par knjiga, pogledala nešto sadržaja na netu, ali, nekako, nije išlo s tim samoukim pristupom...mhm, ipak je kaligrafija umjetnost, zar ne?
Rješenje je bilo jednostavno nakon što sam pronašla učiteljicu :) To je sjajna Martha Lever čijem se radu dugo već divim...i zato sam se upisala u dvije njene kaligrafske radionice: CalligraFUN i Italic
I've always wanted to try calligraphy...I bought a few books, watched some videos on the net, but somehow, it did not work that self-taught way... mhm,after all - calligraphy is art, isn't it?
The decision was easy after I found a teacher:) This is a great artist Martha Lever! Her work are amazing, so, I took her CalligraFUN and Italic class
I, eto, vježbam poteze, počela sam s meni omiljenim ZIG markerima, a pera (Pilot Parallel pen) još čekam da stignu iz Slovenije...
I start practice with my favorite ZIG markers, Pilot Parallel pens I just ordered...
srijeda, 1. lipnja 2011.
Moleskine Art journal
Fun, fun, fun...spray paints and stencils, markers, collage...
something more "romantic"...acrylic paint, stencils, stamping pads, marker, prismacolors pencils.
(Ok, I see now - all faces are in the same place :))
something more "romantic"...acrylic paint, stencils, stamping pads, marker, prismacolors pencils.
(Ok, I see now - all faces are in the same place :))
print on labels and sticking on the page
nedjelja, 29. svibnja 2011.
Moleskine Art journal
what lies under the surface?
sadness or peace
image transfer over gesso and acrylic paint, face - graphite pencil
acrylic paint, oil pastel, black PIT marker, white marker, stamp (words) and litlle "book" spray painting over stencils
I love poppies, too
inspiration for poppies pages: video tutorial -
prismacolors, black marker, perfect pearls
In progress (missing text)...acrylic paint, oil pastel, collage
nedjelja, 1. svibnja 2011.
Faber Castell Polychromos bojica, Pitt pen marker, bijeli no name marker, na drugoj strani - koja nije nikako išla...prvi pokušaj prekriven gessom, pa pozadina obojana Neocolors II vodotopivim krejonima, potom šablona, olovka...
Faber Castell Polychromos colour pencil, Pitt pen and white pen (no name brand), and - on the second page (which could not manage the first): gesso (covering attempt...), Neocolors II in background and stencils, pencil...
kolaž, grafitne olovke, pit pen marker
collage, pencils and pit pen marker
Neuspješan pokušaj dobivanja tamnije boje kože Prismacolors bojicama, kolaž, pečati...
Unsuccessful attempt with Prismacolors (dark skin tones), collage, stamps...
:) čista zabava - gesso, Neocolors II, pečati, akrilne boje, sprejanje, kolaž...Tekst: It's OK to be photo model. I would look like photo model but I wont to be Leonardo da Vinci.
Fun, fun, fun :) Gesso, Neocolors II, stamps, acrylic colors, stenciling, collage...
attempt to sprey stenciling with Marry Ann Moss in workshop Pure Experimentation: Stencilry - lesson (I am beginner and I must to make or buy more that is just attempt to technique)
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