Moj prvi online tečaj i prozor u svijet art journalinga i mixed medije bila je besplatna radionica Art, Heart and Healing koju je vodila Tamara Laporte na Potom sam kupila njene Fabolous Faces i Magical Mythical Makings, a samo je pitanje vremena kad ću kupiti i ostale :)) Tamara je moja omiljena učiteljica :)) jako dobro podučava i još bolje slika...
Njezin ning sada ima 5000 članova (5000!!!!) i zato Tam nudi vrijedne nagrade....
My first online course and a window into the world of art journaling and mixed media was free workshops Art, Heart and Healing led by Tamara Laporte on I then bought other two workshops: Fabolous Faces and Magical Mythical makings, and i'll buy all - it's only a matter of time :)) Tamara is my favorite teacher :)) she is very well trained, and even better artist...
Her Ning now has 5000 members (5000 !!!!) and Tam offers valuable prizes .... Go to ning or to her blog and see
četvrtak, 21. srpnja 2011.
utorak, 19. srpnja 2011.
Artful Gathering
Ljeto je vrijeme godišnjih odmora - prava prilika za čitanje i slikanje :) Iskoristila sam priliku i prijavila se na Artful Gathering - online festival umjetničkih radionica. Upisala sam dvije: Enchanted Bluebird Class Elizabeth Johnson i Visual Journalism 101 Pam Carriker.
Summer time - time for reading and painting :) And....for Artful Gathering 2011 Online Art Retreat
I am in 2 classes: Elizabeth Johnson's Enchanted Bluebird Class and Pam Carriker's Visual Journalism 101 .
I am in 2 classes: Elizabeth Johnson's Enchanted Bluebird Class and Pam Carriker's Visual Journalism 101 .
My homework for Enchanted Bluebird Class
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