srijeda, 13. travnja 2011.

Ne želim nikome reći, ali...I do not want to say anyone, but ..:))

Najvelikodušniji dar kojeg sam vidjela (i meni itekako potreban) - besplatni art tečaji  Julie Prichard i Chris  Cozen i to bivši i budući; SVI - ne mogu vjerovati...zato bih rado za to znala samo ja, pa da budem sretna dobitnica :) , ali, eto, javljam svima...:))

OMG...most generous gift that I ever saw (and I would really need that...) - Julie Prichard and Chris Cozen offering up the opportunity for one lucky (really lucky) person to win every class on The land of lost lunggage  for a lifetime - for a lifetime!!! Yay! - I can not believe,  I do not want to tell others about that (nobody knows - so -   I will be the lucky winner xoxo), but, however - it appears to everyone: